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Peter Lally

Répétiteur / Pianist

For 25 years Peter Lally has worked as a vocal coach and accompanist for the vocal classical repertoire at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. 

He comes originally from the UK and trained at London's Royal Academy of Music. His keyboard skills include transposition, figured bass and continuo, sight-reading, and chord symbols. He has worked as repetiteur for operas at the HKAPA, the Hong Kong Arts Festival, and for the Urban Council. He has accompanied singers on RTHK radio and television, and has worked as audition pianist for Disney and Universal Studios.

Peter Lally Repetiteur / Pianist: Services

+852 2622 2033




(港鐵 金鐘站 F 出口)

2402-03, 24/F, Keen Hung Commercial Building, 

80 Queen's Road East, Admiralty, Hong Kong

(Admiralty MTR Station Exit F)

營業時間 Opening Hours:

星期一至星期六 10:00-19:00 (星期日及公眾假期休息)

Mon-Sat, 10:00-19:00 (Closed on Sundays & Public Holidays)

All Rights Reserved © 2020 Aria Academy of Music

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